Terms & Conditions
Party host assumes all liability and holds It’s Your Day Studio, LLC (and their agents, employees,
volunteers) harmless from liability including any damage occurring at party host home or property.
It’s Your Day Studio, LLC parties are for entertainment purposes only.
DEPOSIT AND BOOKING: A 50% non-refundable deposit will be required at the time of
booking to hold your party date. We accept Cash App, Zelle, Venmo, Apple Pay or cash. This
deposit will go towards the cost of your party, which will need to be paid completely 1 day
before the party. Must show ID and sign for party the day of event.
CANCELLATION OR RESCHEDULE: Cancellations can be made 1 week prior to the party. The
50% deposit is non-refundable, but it can be applied towards the cost of another party. If
you choose to cancel our services for ANY reason, your deposit will not be refunded. As the
host(ess), you will need to notify your guests of the cancellation.
FINAL PAYMENT: All outstanding balances are due 1 day before the party. You may pay
with Cash App, Zelle, Venmo, Apple Pay or cash.
The party rental is composed of and not limited to A-frame tents, mattresses with no
sleeping pillows, lanterns, tray tables, sheets, mattress protectors, décor pillows, Party
décor, and Decorative garlands. Any damage or lost item except the tents will cost $40. For
any damaged tents will cost $70 each.
If items on It’s Your Day Studio, LLC party trailer are damaged you may be charged up to
$2,000 for replacement or repairs.
PETS, FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Pets, food, and drinks are totally prohibited inside the tents.
Any food or stains caused by pets, drinks or food inside or outside of the tents or on any of
our items will result in a cleaning fee of $50.
SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT: A non-smoking environment must always be provided during
the party and during the tent rental. It’s Your Day Studio, LLC will have the right to charge
the client an extra $100 cleaning fee in case any of the items has been exposed to smoke
or any other odors related to it.
CHECK LIST: A check list with the rental items and any additional items picked by the client
will be given to the client before we leave the party. The client is responsible for returning
all the items that are on the check list back in perfect condition the next day. Any damage
or lost items will be charged. Client has the right to look at items before we leave and let us
know of any damages prior to renting our items. If any damages or stains are pointed out
by the client prior to the rental a note will be written on the check list and no charges will
be made for those specifics' damages.
DAMAGES: Any damage to our tents, party decorations, accessories or to any equipment
will be charged the full replacement value of each item. We reserve the right to exit
immediately any event due to illegal activity, or rude, disrespectful or overly demanding
clients. You will be charged full price for the party. Client is responsible for damages to the
property of It’s Your Day Studio, LLC. Damage and / or defacement other than normal wear
and tear of property belonging to It’s Your Day Studio, LLC. will result in assessment of
charges and billing to the client. Client shall be responsible for any damages to the venue
and company vehicle caused by client, client´s employees, agents, assigns, guests or
invitees. Client shall not be responsible for any damages caused by company´s employees,
agents or assigns.
ALLERGIES: It is your responsibility to investigate the allergies of invites and guests
attending the event and report this to us. It is your responsibility to ensure that a guest or
invitee with allergies does not consume or come in contact with the allergens which may
cause an allergic reaction.
PHOTOGRAPHY: It’s Your Day Studio, LLC reserves the right to use photographs taken at
your event in any promotional media controlled by us. You will make no monetary claim to
It’s Your Day Studio, LLC for the use of photographs taken of your children/guests. We will
never use identifying information in its images. If you would like us to remove the images
of your child /guests, please let us know by email.
SPACE: Before you book your I woke up like this sleepover party/rental please make sure
you have enough room and a clean and safe area for kids to stay. It is the client’s
responsibility to measure the room to make sure the tents will fit and that the room is big
enough to accommodate the tents and guests.
GUEST NUMBER: Our party packages are designed and priced for the specified number
notated in each package (including guest of honor). You will be charged for that number
even if less guests attend your event.
RENTAL RETURN: Our team will arrive at the end of the party to pick up items. After
counting and going over all the items we will let the client know of any issues or fees that
may be applied.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE: If you choose to have a full table set supplied by It’s Your Day
Studio, LLC, we ask you not to give tomato-based pastas or red beverages. Foods like this
can stain our linens and costumes and make clean up a challenge. It’s Your Day Studio, LLC
is not responsible for allergic reactions to product, materials, supplies or consuming any
food or beverages before, during or after the party.
LIABILITY: We Strictly provide entertainment. Please be aware that children need to be
supervised. We cannot be held responsible for accidental damage caused by your guest.
Pampering me, Princess LLC. assumes no responsibility or liability for accidents or damage
caused during your party. In the event of damage or loss or our inventory and/or damage
or loss to the party´s location, the responsibility lies entirely on the client. It’s Your Day
Studio, LLC is not responsible for allergic reactions and / or any medical reactions from the
food, beverages, wearing costumes or any activity taking place before, during or after the
party, the responsibility lies strictly with the client.
TRAVEL FEE: All rentals have a $40 delivery and setup charge. We delivery up to 40 miles
from zip code 30127. It’s Your Day Studio, LLC determines mileage fees based on the
suggested routes of Google Maps.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS AND PARTY GUESTS: All upgrades and add-ons are due 1 week before
your event.
SET UP: We will try to set up your event as quickly as possible. We have a lot of things, and
each party is different. We also need the parking area to be cleared prior to our arrival.
Drop off and pick up time may vary based on other pick-ups and drop offs.
SPA TREATMENT: The Luxury Spa Experience is for entertainment purposes only and we
do not sell or charge clients for cosmetology services. Our Staff is provided to assist guest
with the spa "treatments" as needed and to supervise guests. We do not cut, file, trim, push
back cuticles or do any services provided at a certified nail salon.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Client agrees to protect, indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless Company, its owners, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors,
employees and agents against all claims, losses, or damage to persons or property,
government charges, fines, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of
or related to the use of the Venue, or any part thereof, by Client, or any guest, invitee or
agent of Client or any independent contractor hired by Client, except those claims arising
out of sole gross negligence or willful misconduct of Company. In no event shall either
party be liable to the other for indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether
based on tort, breach of contract, warranty or otherwise.
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and
many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.
I further acknowledge that It’s Your Day Studio, LLC has put in place preventative measures
to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I further acknowledge that It’s Your Day Studio, LLC cannot guarantee that I will not
become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming
exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions,
omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Party staff, and
other guest and their families.
I voluntarily seek services provided by It’s Your Day Studio, LLC and acknowledge that I am
increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I and my
party guest must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my
I attest that:
* I am not experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore
throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
* I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the
last 14 days.
* I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case
of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as noncontagious
by state or local public health authorities.
* I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my
exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* My party guest will read and comply with all rules on the release form before the date of
my event.
I hereby release and agree to hold It’s Your Day Studio, LLC harmless from, and waive on
behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action,
claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to
myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or that may otherwise arise in any
way in connection with any services received from It’s Your Day Studio, LLC. I understand
that this release discharges It’s Your Day Studio, LLC from any liability or claim that I, my
family, or any personal representatives may have against the business with respect to any
bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or
in connection to, any services received from It’s Your Day Studio, LLC. This liability waiver
and release extends to the It’s Your Day Studio, LLC together with all owners, partners, and
Other Provisions
Severability: The provisions of this Agreement are considered severable and independent,
and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision hereof shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision hereof.
Benefit and Binding Effect: This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
upon Client, Client’s respective heirs, legal and personal representatives, successors and
assigns, and the Company and its successors and assigns.
Amendment and Modification: This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a
written instrument that is signed by each person or entity that is a party to this agreement.
Assignment: Client agrees that Client may not assign any part of its interest in this
Agreement to any other party without the written consent and permission of Company.
Attorney’s Fees: In the event litigation regarding this agreement ensues, the prevailing
party shall be entitled to recover its attorney’s fees from the other party.
It’s Your Day Studio, LLC has provided this account of our policies and terms of service with
the assumption that you have read and agree to our policies before submitting the Party
Agreement and Book A Party From. Please ask for clarification if there are any questions
regarding the above policies before reserving your party.
Your confirmation of reviewing this document verifies your consent to these terms.
If you should have any further questions, feel free to contact us at (770) 742-8739.